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Welcome Students!

I am Mrs. Hansen, your Composition instructor for the semester! While you can find most of our course materials and information on Blackboard, occasionally I will direct you to our course website for additional resources and information that can help you throughout the course.

About Me

I am McKenzie Hansen and I am your Composition II instructor this semester! 🙂 

I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Professional and Technical Writing and a minor in Information Technology in the Spring of 2019; and recently graduated in December 2021 with my Graduate Certificate in Online Writing Instruction.

I have a passion for all things education, writing, and technology and I like to stay busy. In addition to teaching classes here at UA Little Rock I run my own non-profit organization called SELECT Programs, Inc. SELECT offers technology and professional skill programs and workshops to 10-17 year olds in the Central Arkansas area. 

When I am not working (which is rare these days), you can find me on my couch reading a book or watching Handmaids Tale, in my kitchen making homemade bread, or just spending time with my husband, BJ, and our German – Australian Shepherd, Sophia. 

I look forward to working with you all this semester! Please email me any time you have questions or concerns about the course. You can also drop in during office hours, or make an appointment to visit with me about the course.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our course, and I am looking forward to working with you throughout the semester!