apple-icon Composition

August 19, 2019

We had a great first class, Comp Students! I am looking forward to working with you all this semester. A couple reminders from our first class session:

  • If you have not emailed me your first writing assignment, please do that tonight by 11:59 PM. Answer the following questions:
    • Why are you here?
    • What are your strengths as a writer?
    • What are your weaknesses as a writer?
    • SUBJECT LINE: Freewrite #1 – [Your Name}
  • Join Google Classroom if you have not already. You should have received an email with the link to join yesterday. If you have any trouble, please email me and I will add you again.
  • Please read What is Rhetoric? and The Rhetorical Triangle before class on Wednesday.
  • I will give 5 bonus points to everyone who comes to class on Wednesday if I cannot remember everyone’s name! 🙂

Please email me if you have any questions–