apple-icon Composition

August 21, 2019

August 21, 2019 Announcement:

We had a great class, Comp Students! 

You guys did great on the rhetorical triangle activity. If you were absent and would like to complete the activity, you can find the handout under the resources tab. The link to the video is below. Using the questions on the second page of the handout, identify if the commercial uses ethos, logos, and pathos effectively. (This is not required, but it can help you practice identifying the rhetorical elements.)

Mac vs PC Commercial – Viruses

Our new classroom for the time being is SUA 102D. I will let you know if / when we move back over to SUA 106C.  

Next class we will meet in the University Writing Center (UWC) to take a tour and meet the UWC staff. The UWC is in SUB 116, across from where our new classroom is. 

After our tour, we will do a mock peer review with our freewrite #2. Please bring a printed copy of your 1-2 page paper answering one or all of the following questions:
1. Tell me about a time you learned a major life lesson.
2. Tell me about an experience that helped you grow.
3. Tell me about a difficult decision you had to make. 

To help you prepare writing your freewrite assignment, please read Overview of The Writing Process. And to help you prepare for peer review, please read The Peer Review Process.

Update: Our course website is back up! [Our course website is currently down, but I have linked the readings to this post. I will let you know as soon as the website is back up.]

If you have not joined our Google Classroom portal, please do so before class. I sent out an email yesterday with instructions on how to join.  

See you all in the UWC on Friday!