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August 28, 2019

Great work today, Comp students!

Please let me know if you have any questions about the feedback (questions and suggestions) on your freewrite assignment. 

Remember these three things as you move forward with your drafts:

1.) Your papers are relatable and evoke an emotional response from your readers (great use of pathos). You are able to use ethos really well in your papers, too. This will help your reader trust you and see you as a reliable narrator.

2.) Center your paper around the “story”–characters, plot, setting, etc. Then ask yourself questions about your story / experience. This will help you analyze your experience. 

3.) Use sources (at least one in this paper–add that to your assignment sheet) to help provide evidence for your argument. Interviews, research, online articles, surveys, etc. can help you successfully argue your point. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. The Personal Narrative Sample Paper is a great paper and effectively asks and answers questions about the topic / experience. 

For Friday- 
Listen to the WriteCast Podcast Episode 6: All About Audience. I do not think there is a transcript, so please let me know if you need an accommodation for this reading assignment. Send me an email to

Keep working on your drafts. Your first draft is due to me via Google Classroom on Sunday (9/1) at 11:59 PM. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. See you in class on Friday!