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August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019 Announcement: 

Hey Comp Students! Great work today on audience and voice. Your letters were hilarious (and some a little strange, too)! 

A few reminders as we head into our LONG weekend:

– No class Monday because it is Labor Day. 

– Peer review workshop will take place on Wednesday. 

– Rough drafts / working drafts for your papers are due SUNDAY NIGHT (9/1) at 11:59 PM via Google classroom, as well as the reflection assignment. Your paper does not have to be complete, but you should be far enough into it so your group can provide feedback during peer review. The reflection assignment is the worksheet we completed a few classes ago during the mock peer review. I posted it again on Google Classroom so you can see the questions.  You do NOT have to answer all the questions, but answer as many as you can about your own paper. (This is to help you reflect about your paper and the rhetorical choices you made.) You can attach a second document with your answers OR add them to the end of your paper. 

– Please come to class prepared on Wednesday. Bring a hard copy of your paper to class (no emailing or sharing via Google Docs), have your phone and other devices (including laptops) put away during class, and have headphones / earbuds removed from both ears. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. I will see you all on Wednesday for class!