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September 6, 2019

Hey Comp Students,

Just some reminders as we head into the weekend:

Papers are due Sunday at 11:59 PM via Google Classroom (please do NOT email me your papers or share them with me via Google Docs, upload them to Google Classroom). If you are unsure on how to do that, please watch the following video: Uploading Assignments to Google Classroom. Also if you could upload them as a Google Doc, that would be better. I will still accept Word documents, but the way comments work in Google Classroom is very weird with Word docs. 

– Papers must be 3-5 pages typed, double spaced, 12 point font, include at least one source, and in MLA format.

– On Monday we start our next unit–research. Please Review the MLA Formatting and Style Guide from Purdue OWL for class on Monday. You can also start brainstorming a research topic (not required, but go ahead and start thinking of ideas). 

Please note that I am not taking excuses such as “It won’t let me upload to Google Classroom” or “My Internet / computer is broken”. You will lose points if your paper is not uploaded to Google Classroom by the deadline (Sunday at 11:59 PM). If you are having technical difficulties, please watch the video above. 

If you need more time to work on your paper, remember you have a free pass you can use. Just send me an email saying you are using your free pass. You will have one extra week to submit your paper. Keep in mind, you only have one free pass to use for the entire semester, so use it wisely. 

I am excited to read the final drafts of your papers! I hope to have them graded and returned to you within a couple weeks. 

Please let me know if you have any questions! Have a great weekend!