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Fall 2019 Announcements

October 2, 2019

Hello class, A few reminders from class today: We will NOT have class on Friday. Spend this time working on your papers and multimodal component. If you have questions about your assignments, please email me as early as possible. Do not wait until 10:00 Sunday night to ask a question. If you are finished with […]

September 23, 2019

Hello class, Today we talked about different types of outlines based on our assigned reading from Purdue OWL. You are to choose one of the types of outlines and create an outline for your research paper. Hard copies of outlines are due in class on Wednesday. Please bring your printed outline with you. I will not be excusing […]

September 18, 2019

Hello class, A few announcements from class today: – Your annotated bibliography is due to Google Classroom by Sunday (9/22) at 11:59 PM. This assignment is worth 10 points and is part of your overall research paper grade. Instructions for the assignment are posted on Google Classroom, where you will submit the assignment.  – Friday’s class is OPTIONAL! I […]

September 16, 2019

Good afternoon, Class, Before class on Wednesday: – Finish your collaborative annotated bibliography. – Read Writing an Annotated Bibliography. – Email me your FINAL research topic. If you have narrowed in on a topic (and have already emailed it to me) then disregard this step. I am still working on grading your papers and I hope to […]

September 12, 2019

Good afternoon, class, Yesterday was a great class and you all did a great job with brainstorming topic ideas. If you haven’t already, please email me your research paper topic(s) by class tomorrow (11 AM). Please include what your argument is as well.  In preparation for class tomorrow, please review this Reading to Writing Handout.  We […]

September 9, 2019

Good morning, class,I am so sorry, but I have to cancel class today. I am not feeling well this morning.  I have posted an assignment on Google Classroom about MLA formatting:Use the linked Prezi presentation to learn more about MLA citations and formatting. Fill out the guided notes guide (attached here as a PDF) to help you […]

September 6, 2019

Hey Comp Students, Just some reminders as we head into the weekend: – Papers are due Sunday at 11:59 PM via Google Classroom (please do NOT email me your papers or share them with me via Google Docs, upload them to Google Classroom). If you are unsure on how to do that, please watch the […]

August 30, 2019

August 30, 2019 Announcement:  Hey Comp Students! Great work today on audience and voice. Your letters were hilarious (and some a little strange, too)!  A few reminders as we head into our LONG weekend: – No class Monday because it is Labor Day.  – Peer review workshop will take place on Wednesday.  – Rough drafts […]

August 28, 2019

Great work today, Comp students! Please let me know if you have any questions about the feedback (questions and suggestions) on your freewrite assignment.  Remember these three things as you move forward with your drafts: 1.) Your papers are relatable and evoke an emotional response from your readers (great use of pathos). You are able […]

August 27, 2019

For tomorrow’s class, please read How to Tame a Wild Tongue.  Take notes (not required) of the author’s purpose, writing style, audience, etc.  Be prepared to discuss in class!  Let me know if you have any questions.

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