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Fall 2019 Announcements

August 23, 2019

Great work, Comp Students! Our first peer workshop went great! This weekend I will be reviewing your freewrite #2 assignments and providing feedback. This exercise was to help you begin brainstorming for our Personal Narrative assignment (Major writing assignment #1). Please read Personal Narrative Essays and take notes from that reading. These notes can be […]

August 21, 2019

August 21, 2019 Announcement: We had a great class, Comp Students!  You guys did great on the rhetorical triangle activity. If you were absent and would like to complete the activity, you can find the handout under the resources tab. The link to the video is below. Using the questions on the second page of […]

August 19, 2019

We had a great first class, Comp Students! I am looking forward to working with you all this semester. A couple reminders from our first class session: If you have not emailed me your first writing assignment, please do that tonight by 11:59 PM. Answer the following questions: Why are you here? What are your […]

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