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Language Diversity Statement

The Composition Program at UA Little Rock asserts that writers need to understand that language variation is the norm and not the exception in all writing situations, contexts, activities. Thus, the goal for writers is not to demonstrate an adherence to a singular standard, but how to build upon their existing proficiencies to negotiate language in use in real rhetorical and material situations. We encourage all writing instructors to teach linguistic meta-awareness as opposed to standards and rigid approaches to language use. Though we recognize that writing genres and conventions dictate choices writers make and are an integral part of engaging in various writing situations. Still, we encourage students to bring variation to their writing as (1) part of language learning; (2) resistance to dominant language use and racialized language hierarchies; (3) purposeful use of a range of languages and dialects; and/or (4) creative play with language. (Adapted from the University of Central Florida’s Comp Program Language Statement)