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Week 7

Welcome to Week 7 of Comp One! I cannot believe almost half the semester is already gone and that I will be posting midterm grades pretty soon!

We have a lot of course materials to get through this week, so I encourage you to start early, but I have done my best to make video lectures that cover the high points of each reading.

This week we are starting our Multimedia Research Project. Watch the video below for an overview of the entire project:

This video gives an entire overview of the project and might be a little overwhelming at first, so watch it in little chunks if you have to.

Your journal entry will help you brainstorm about your topic and argument. Your Annotated Bibliography is where you will show me which sources you have chosen to back up your argument as well as how you plan on using them in your essay.

Weekly Tasks

  1. Review the Multimedia Research Project Guidelines.
  2. Watch the Choosing a Research Topic Video Lecture.
  3. Write your journal entry by Friday night at 11:59 PM.
  4. OPTIONAL: Review the Reading to Write handout for strategies for reading academic research articles.
  5. Watch the Reading to Write Strategies Video Lecture.
  6. Read Annotated Bibliographies from the U Should B Writing Textbook website.
  7. Read Using the Library Databases from the U Should B Writing Textbook website.
  8. Review the Annotated Bibliography Assignment Guidelines.
  9. Complete and submit your Annotated Bibliography Assignment to the Google Classroom Assignment Dropbox by Sunday night at 11:59 PM.

Please review the course schedule and / or Google Classroom for more information.

7.1 Reflection Essay Journal Entry

Review the Multimedia Research Project Guidelines. Then, propose a Research Topic in your Composition Journal. 

In your journal entry answer the following questions:

  1. What is your topic?
  2. What is your position on your topic?
  3. Do you think you can find credible, scholarly research to back up your position?

To help you think about things to write about, think about what you are interested in: the environment, politics, psychology, technology, science, culture, issues related to your field of study, etc.

Now think about controversial issues within your interest area. What is your stance on the issue? What research have found / do you know of to help back up your position? You may have to do a little bit of research while you are brainstorming.

Journal entry is due in your Composition Journal Google Doc (write on a new page in the same document) by Friday at 11:59 PM.

7.2 Annotated Bibliography Assignment

To help you prepare for your research assignment, find three to five sources that support your research paper argument. Cite those sources using MLA 8 and then write one or two paragraphs addressing all of the following questions:

  • What is the author’s purpose and who is their audience?
  • What is this source about? (Summary)
  • How would this source be useful to your research? How will you use it in your paper?

Submit your Annotated Bibliography to the Google Classroom Assignment Dropbox by Sunday night at 11:59 PM

Helpful Resources